
event blog

November 17-22, 2013, Denver, Colorado

Workshop: Extreme-Scale Programming Tools

Date: Monday, November 18, 2013, 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM

Room: 501

Description: As we approach exascale, architectural complexity and severe resource limitations with respect to power, memory and I/O make tools support in debugging and performance optimization more critical then ever before. However, the challenges mentioned above also apply to tool development and, in particular, raise the importance of topics such as automatic tuning and methodologies for exascale tools-aided application development. This workshop will serve as a forum for application, system, and tool developers to discuss the requirements for future exascale-enabled tools and the roadblocks that need to be addressed on the way. We also highly encourage application developers to share their experiences with using the tools. The workshop is organized by the Virtual Institute - High Productivity Supercomputing, an international initiative of HPC programming-tool builders. The event will also focus on the community-building process necessary to create an integrated tools suite ready for an exascale software stack.

Links: Official link from SC13

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