Tutorial: Efficient Parallel Debugging for MPI, Threads, and Beyond
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2014, 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Room: 398-99
Description: Parallel software enables modern simulations on high performance computing systems. Defects—or commonly bugs—in these simulations can have dramatic consequences on matters of utmost importance. This is especially true if defects remain unnoticed and silently corrupt results. The correctness of parallel software is a key challenge for simulations in which we can trust. At the same time, the parallelism that enables these simulations also challenges their developers, since it gives rise to new sources of defects. We invite attendees to a tutorial that addresses the efficient removal of software defects. The tutorial provides systematic debugging techniques that are tailored to defects that revolve around parallelism. We present leading edge tools that aid developers in pinpointing, understanding, and removing defects in MPI, OpenMP, MPI-OpenMP, and further parallel programming paradigms. The tutorial tools include the widely used parallel debugger Allinea DDT, the Intel Inspector XE that reveals data races, and the two MPI correctness tools MUST and ISP. Hands-on examples—make sure to bring a laptop computer—will guide attendees in the use of these tools. We will conclude the tutorial with a discussion and will provide pointers for debugging with paradigms such as CUDA or on architectures such as Xeon Phi.